Those people at the helm of our country as it gets washed away on a Tsunami of inefficiency and money wasting exercises, always spout on about how wonderful our NHS is under their care.

And it doesn't matter who's in 'power' as they all spout the same garbage.

Lets be honest for once oh all you political mouthpiece parrots - THE NHS IS DYING IF NOT ALREADY DEAD!

Last night my wife had an appointment with her GP.

She had waited 5 WEEKS for this event due to the surgery cancelling the appointment 3 times, the surgery then expecting my wife to be able to rearrange her life around their inefficiency and take an 11am appointment as a replacement for a 5:30pm one.

Do they not realise that patient arrange their appointments to suit them not the blasted doctor?

However the insult to the injury came when she went to see her GP. The doctor decided to ignore the reasons my wife had for making the appointment to discuss that she, the doctor, had decided that despite 40 years of my wife's hospital consultancy, she didn't believe my wife has diabetes.

This was NOT the reason my wife had asked for an appointment by the way.

The doctor then decided to take the appointment off on yet another tack concerning the medication my wife is on. This is not for diabetes but due to my wife having had thyroid surgery as a child, again nearly 40 years ago.

If the doctor had read my wife's notes and read the hospital reports over the years, she may have noticed that the consultant at the hospital had insisted that my wife's medication is never changed without the consultant's permission. My wife had to point this out to the GP who was seemingly hell-bent on changing the medication for a patient having not even read the hospital reports.

By now my wife had been in the consulting room for 10 minutes and now started to ask the doctor about the problem she had booked the appointment to discuss when - DING the metaphorical bell went and the doctor told my wife her 10 minutes maximum consulting time was up and she'd have to book another appointment to discuss any other problems.

Good God! My wife hadn't discussed ANY of the problems she had booked the appointment for. It had purely been a "GPs choice" lecture event.

Oh and further appointments cannot be booked the same time as you're there unless the doctor asks for it to happen. So my wife now has to join the queue all over again and probably wait another 5 weeks.

Where the hell is this superb NHS that the government keep ranting on about? It certainly doesn't exist in the Biggin Hill and Westerham areas.

This surgery I should point out is also home to the slack brained moron of a GP who told me that I was "Old and Over weight" back in 2006 when I was in screaming agony with back pain. I was also told by this person that I couldn't have an MRI scan because the surgery couldn't "Send people for MRIs willy-nilly".

Bit of a shame that because if they had sent me then my spinal and stomach cancers which were discovered some months later when I was forced to go private may well have been discovered and treated early enough to ensure that I never suffered the spinal cord damage and subsequent partial paralysis that I did.

So what now for this brilliant NHS we're supposed to posses? Well once it was good; once it was excellent, a world beater. Everyone was in awe of the National Health Service of the UK.

Now NHS simply means Not a Hope Son........

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