Its exam time again, the time of year when year 10’s and 11 all over the country are revising for mock tests, GCSE’s, end of year exams.

The question I’m asking is, are there too many? Too few?

If throughout our entire school life, we are being tested frequently with various different exams; does this diminish the importance of the crucial ones we take? Or does it simply make us more prepared for them?

On the one hand, you might become so used to exams that you relax and don’t take them as seriously as you otherwise would. This might lead to not as much revision being done, so lower marks being achieved. However, you also might grow used to the style of exams and the questions they use, meaning that you would be less worried and nervous than if you had not had prior experience with exam questions. A double standard, if you like.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to tell which is the case, whether it is different for different students, or whether too many exams will be damaging in the long run. This coupled with the fact that some people think that too much stress is being placed on exams and not on developing rounded skills, but on those needed to pass an examination, mean that the entire subject is rather unclear. What are your views? Do you think teenagers and schoolchildren in general are being ‘over examined?’ Or is it all simply good practice?