Love her or hate her, Lady Gaga is most definitely one of today’s most controversial musicians- with her outlandish outfits and quirky music videos she is the pioneer of the latest string of young female artists attempting to emulate her style, but falling short of her eccentric air.

Anyone expecting anything but sensational from Gaga’s latest arena tour were clearly mistaken.

The anticipation in the crowded 02 arena was palpable with a sea of blonde-wigged, stiletto-clad and sequin-dressed fans (boys and girls alike) all eagerly awaiting the first glimpse of the star of the show - Lady Gaga herself.

She opened with Dance in the Dark following with material from her new album The Fame Monster, despite this she incorporated old classics such as Poker face and Bad Romance which failed to disappoint.

The show resembled more of a musical than a run-of the mill concert; The Monster Ball included acting, singing and meticulously choreographed dancing showing Gaga had most definitely put her all into her UK tour.

The impact on the audience was impossible to overlook; the electric atmosphere of her fans resounded around the arena almost as much as Lady Gaga’s impressively powerful voice.

The show was worth seeing even for the abundant array of outfits alone; sporting her iconic leotards, animal print cat-suits and futuristic metallics Gaga met the expectations of all fashion fans and more.

She was quite clearly overwhelmed with the audience response herself, humbly thanking her fans for their support, so let us hope Gaga continues with her undeniably catchy songs and embarks on a UK tour again in the future.