Happy New Year Everyone, and I hope you are all keeping well.

I don’t know about you but the past I would say 18 months have been quite a struggle for me, financially and at the moment I can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel, especially due to the expensive divorce that is looming.

However I know like many I am not alone to be struggling and I know that my situation is better than some, I have a job, I have a roof over my head, food on the table and I can afford to heat my home, so I will count my blessings.

This past week I must say I have been counting my blessings slightly more after seeing the appalling tragedy that is unfolding in Haiti. Watching the news my heart really has been breaking. The people out there have lost everything and I have no idea how on earth they are ever going to get back on their feet.

I will admit my ignorance, I do not know much about Haiti, apart from I knew it was in the Caribbean, on the same Island as the Dominican Republic and it was quite a poor country.

Last night, I saw the rescue of a bank worker Jeanette, amazing scenes, her husband not giving up hope, ever day waiting and sorting through the rubble as it was cleared, and finally yesterday he heard her voice. Along with some fellow Haitians, they tried to remove the rubble, but they couldn’t, finally along came the US Firemen, and after a long job they managed to free her. All she asked for was water, and as they pulled her from the rubble she had the most beautiful smile on her face, and what did she do then, start singing, to praise the fact that she was still alive. Did she moan or cry for what she has lost no, it was just the pure relief that she was alive to see another day. Then we moved on to another part of the country where a primary school had collapsed and not one person had survived, the bleakness and utter despair really hit home.

Aid is getting through and along with many other countries the UK and USA have made huge contributions to the emergency fund. I will try and do my bit, I do not have a lot of spare cash but I think I can forego what I think of as treats and donate that money to the fund.

I am wondering what you thoughts are on the UK offering so much aid? Like me do you think this is totally the right thing to do, this act of God could not have been foreseen and as human beings we should do out utmost to help out our fellow human beings in whatever way we can or do you think, hold on a moment, our country is rapidly going down the pan, we are a country in debt, we have had our own national disasters and shouldn’t this money be spent here in the UK?

Be interesting to hear what you say



PS if you are thinking of donating to the fund, please do so through the DEC website (http://www.dec.org.uk/donate_now/) as be aware there are some shysters already out there setting up fake/scam websites.