The recent cold snap has brought out the worst in those who let their lives be governed by this country’s pathetic and obsessive Health and Safety Nazis.

Whilst most of us just get on with our lives, accepting the snowfall as one of those seasonal obstacles to be overcome, the government and all of their departments have gone into Health and Safety overdrive, keeping themselves closeted safely at home in case a snowflake falls on their head. The television stations and newspapers have made a mountain out of a molehill as usual, having reporters standing out in the snow to relay back how terrible it all is.

However, there appears to be a lone voice of reason out there. Step forward erstwhile Frenchman Arsene Wenger, the manager of a soccerball club. Displaying intelligence not usually associated with the sport of soccerball, he says:

“...I must say it is the price we pay for living in a society where everybody wants 100 per cent security. Nobody accepts any risk any more and everybody is always guided by fear.................if anyone has an accident, you all feel very guilty. Nobody accepts anymore that the slightest insecurity could exist in our society”.

My person of the year 2010 award has a runaway leader!