Call me old fashioned, but am I the only one who thinks that people who use Twitter are socially inept attention seekers?

I find all of this making every aspect of your life available for all and sundry a little bit sinister...........and as boring as hell!

If you've heard people's posts on Twitter - or 'Tweets, as they're called - you'll see that most of them are incredibly boring and self promoting.

Wow, so you've purchased some new trousers. You're stuck on a train. You're about to see a great new film etc, etc, ad infinitum. Too much information!

I see Twitter as a 'time drain' for those without anything better to do with their sad lives. There's just too much "I got the most awesome new pair of pants today". I'm going to go ahead and assume that people buy awesome pants every day and that I don't need to know.