An article in the papers over the weekend caught my eye - and I have to say that it made me chuckle......

Oldest married couple celebrate record:

The world's oldest still living married couple have revealed the secret of 85 years of married bliss – the wife is always right. Liu Fuben, 95, and his wife Shi Jihui, 100, spoke after registering their claim with the Guinness Book of Records.

Liu said: "We are still very much in love and always will be. As to the secret of a long marriage – avoid arguments like the plague and remember the golden rule – she's always right."

His wife Shi added: "It's true I am – but that doesn't stop him doing what he wants anyway. I suppose being older meant I could bully him a bit – and train him to be a good husband. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks so get them while they are young”.

Has there ever been a more truthful description of marrital bliss? The only part missing was the bit about how, over the first year of marriage, she'll gradually chuck away your entire wardrobe and replace it with more 'appropriate' and (allegedly) 'fashionable' clothes!