The government, in an attempt to show that they are “tough on crime”, have recently launched a cynical campaign called ‘Justice Seen Justice Done’. The campaign aims to highlight the tough sentences handed down to criminals by seeking maximum publicity.

To this end all of the government and criminal justice websites have ‘Justice Seen Justice Done’ logos spread across them – although there does appear to be a shortage of information on sentences handed down to support the campaign. Nothing to do with the fact that the liberal judiciary are not handing down appropriate sentences, I suppose?

But my blog has another point to it – I want to help the government advertise their successes. “Come again?” I hear you say. But I’m serious – and here’s my plan:

The government should plaster a picture of Munir Hussain across their websites and in the papers. Mr Hussain I’m sure you are aware is the man who, along with his family, was tied up and forced to lie on the floor by a career criminal and his accomplices who had broken into their home and was threatening to kill them. Mr Hussain managed to break free and batter the scummy career criminal with a cricket bat - and has just been jailed for two and a half years as a reward for his efforts – while the career criminal who broke into his home and assaulted Mr Hussain and his family got off scot free. Mr Hussain’s wife has had a stroke since the attack.

Yes, the government should plaster Mr Hussain’s face everywhere, with the strapline “Justice Seen Justice Done Labour style in the morally bankrupt UK”.