Goodness, is it that time already? Winter is here slap bang in the middle of autumn, how very dare it, and everywhere you turn you see runny noses, cracked lips and frizzy hair - not a great look with the festive season about to beat our door down!

Why does the first cold snap wreak havoc with our hair and skin? Jed Hamill of Graham Webb International tells us why and how to combat the ill effects of the season ahead.

It’s not just that your tan has faded and that your post-holiday roots have grown back with gay abandon, the real nightmare affecting your face, hair and body at this time of year is dehydration.

As the weather turns cooler, we drink less water - it’s pretty obvious really, you’re not so hot and the idea of your eight glasses of water a day is nowhere near as appealing as a couple of mugs of steaming hot chocolate, it’s just too blimmin cold!

Add this to seasonal over-use of hair dryers and straighteners due to the onset of the party season, bags of alcohol (or should that be crates) and night after night of being out past your bedtime and you realise that your body, skin and hair need some serious refreshment.

Right, back to basics - I know it’s boring, blah blah blah but health professionals the world over (not to mention every model in the book) can’t be wrong.

The first step is to drag that bottle of mineral water with you wherever you go – the bigger the better. On your desk at work, in your bag, on the passenger seat of your car - any time, any place, anywhere it’s got to be water! Go on girl, force it down!

Now the smoking ban has done all of us a huge favour because spending hours on end breathing in other people’s smoke made us feel frankly rubbish - by the way, isn’t it funny how already only a year and a half down the line it seems absurd to be able to smoke in a pub, just as funny as smoking on a plane!

Anyway, I digress. Smoky atmospheres made us feel, look and smell decidedly less than perfect the morning after, so thanks for that Tony Blair.

However, it is Christmas so let’s be realistic, just because the pub isn’t smoky, doesn’t mean the booze won’t get you in the end!

I know it’s a drag (ha ha) but try to keep drinking a glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have (the headache of a hangover is caused by dehydration don’t forget) and you will be guaranteed to feel better and the condition of your hair and skin will improve.

Next take a look at the products you use. We’ve all been using moisturisers on our face forever, now it’s time to moisturise your hair.

Ingredients used for a long time in skincare have recently proved to have the same benefits to hair - palm oil extracts, grapeseed oil and glycerine for example, all care for and moisturise hair and can transform dull, dry locks into glowing tresses in a matter of days.

Ask your hairdresser to recommend shampoos and conditioners containing grapeseed oil, long considered a wonder ingredient in skin care and now revolutionising the hair care market.

Ceramides boost your hair’s condition and even some modern-day colour services contain technologies which will give hydration and nutrition to your hair.

Try Clynol’s fabulous new Care and Style range to keep your hair in check through these cold winter months. They’ll keep it stong, healthy and super moisturized.

With a collection to cater for every hair type, you have no excuses.