Any method of making babies which is deemed unnatural' by the morality police is sure to spark controversy. So a UK website which sells human eggs is likely to provoke a very strong reaction ...

MAKING babies has become a hot topic not to mention big business. A new website called, billed as the world's first comprehensive online provider of human eggs, adds a new dimension to an already contentious subject.

The site's aim is to link egg donors with potential parents.

Woman Not Included allows couples to advertise for an egg donor online with the complete confidence their donor will remain anonymous.

The site also promises to ensure the couple's identity will never be revealed to their donor.

You can also use the site's search engine to select a donor from the global database based on chosen characteristics.

As well as childless couples, the site also welcomes lesbian couples and single women.

Women looking for an egg donor pay a registration fee of £145 and then pay extra for each search of the database and introduction they receive.

The donor anonymously gives her eggs at a fertility clinic where screening, IVF and implantation take place, all at extra cost to the recipient.

Expenses are paid to the donor, though under UK regulations they are not allowed to be paid directly for their eggs.

Woman Not Included is the brainchild of London-based businessman John Gonzalez, who previously set up the controversial sperm donor site two years ago.

That site drew a furious response from certain quarters and his new venture may do the same.

Have a look and decide for yourself what you think of this controversial site.