After the success of my latest blog I thought I would tell you of the horrible thing that happened to me over two weeks.

At about 3.45 pm I got that call from The Current Mr Bell, We’ve been burgled. In my silliness I was thinking he meant his office as it surely couldn’t be our house on the hill. I was wrong it was our house the next door neighbour had called him.

In a blind panic I rushed home (don’t worry I didn’t drive my friend did) and all the way home I kept thinking, o my god the dog, what have they done to her? have they let her out?

Luckily Mr Bell, my sister, my mum and my good friend were all close to the house so they rushed over.

This is what happened, 3 pieces of scum got into my house by climbing a wall, crossing a support and shinning up a drain pipe to get in through my small toilet window (seriously we are talking a foot by a foot and a half), then they opened the patio doors and started to help themselves.

Meantime (and I don’t know if they kicked or smacked her) the dog got her self up onto my table and literally started screaming. So much so that my next door neighbour was up in her bedroom, rushed to see what was wrong and saw two of above mentioned scum carrying out our TV she shouted at them and also to her husband and also managed to get on the phone.

At the same time my neighbour across the lane was up with her daughter in her bedroom and they heard the dog’s cries, so they looked out to see same scum throw lap top over the wall (yep bet that really worked after that) and then carrying the TV down the side alley. Daughter and friend screamed at scum, we know who you are we can recognise you, so they drop TV and dash over wall to waiting car.

Meantime Mrs nextdoorneighbour and Mrs overthelanneighbour are on the phone to the police who actually get to the house within 3 minutes! Sadly scum had fled.

Dog was ok, Mr nextdoorneighbour had rescued her, slight mess for Mummy to clear up but she was forgiven as she had really saved the day by alerting neighbours to what was going on. She was a total nervous wreck (as was I) for a few days but now all is good.

So this little escapade meant scum got away with some of my rings, a ds lite and a laptop (that I don’t supposed survived the fall). TV was broken round the edges but still actually worked.

I called insurance company, and within days an assessor had been assigned to me and she came round to view the scene of the crime and everything was agreed and I don’t (touch wood) seem to have had any problems.

Police have been great. Alarm is being fitted and other security measures are in place, but can you have anything better than an amazing dog and just the best neighbours in the whole world.

What really aggravates me, is that I like, many of you, have worked so hard for everything I own and I am going through some very tough times, so what gives these pieces of scum the right to invade my home!!!!! I count myself lucky as in reality so little was taken and so little damage was caused and I was insured and my dog was ok, but it still put me on edge. I didn’t want to leave the house, I want to hide all my valuables and you really can’t live like that.

Unfortunately the neighbours couldn’t recognise scum from police line up - probably never been caught.

Deep Sigh!

Tinks X