Do you remember the Orwell novel 1984? There was a vivid description of a “Ministry of Truth” that served the function of rewriting history via rewriting the news in order to make the past match with whatever Big Brothers current program happened to be. Welcome to Hillary Clinton’s world.

Earlier this year the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton in particular, released a selected batch of memos detailing the Bush Administration's efforts to maintain humane, yet effective, interrogations of the most dangerous Al Qaeda terrorist prisoners. There was the predictable uproar from the more liberal minded people , coupled with those with a vested interest in the terrorists ‘human rights’ – sleazy solicitors and terrorist-supporting so called civil liberties groups.

However, all was not as it seemed. Hillary Clinton was releasing only the documents that made the Bush administration and the United States of America look bad, but refusing to release the information that revealed how necessary and useful the actions that Bush took to protect this country actually were. There were numerous requests to release all of the documents, especially from former Vice President Dick Cheney, but Hillary Clinton was somewhat reticent. Indeed, when she first appeared before Congress she was the picture of evasiveness.

California Republican Dana Rohrbacher asked if the administration planned to heed Cheney’s call to release documents showing information gained as a result of the Bush administration’s aggressive interrogation techniques.

“Well, it won’t surprise you that I don’t consider him to be a particularly reliable source of information,” Clinton said, to laughter from many in the committee room who were rightly amused at the irony of someone such as Hillary Clinton saying this.

Rohrbacher quickly hit back, saying, “Dick Cheney has asked for specific documents to be unclassified. We are not asking for your opinion of Dick Cheney. … If you want to maintain your credibility with us, what is your opinion on the release of those documents?”

Clinton ultimately – and not surprisingly - did not answer the question, waffling, “I believe we ought to get to the bottom of this entire matter. I think it’s in the best interest of our country, and that is what the president believes, and that is why he has taken the actions he has.”

I know Hillary Clinton, being a bitter old leftie, would love to have a communist show trial, forbid the accused from presenting any exculpatory or mitigating evidence in their own defense, and put them in prison, as this is the documented historical way of the left. I think what Cheney is asking for is fair. If you are going to release documents about allegedly torturing terrorists then we must know the full picture. Allow us to put it into context for ourselves and judge whether or not it was warranted and/or beneficial. We should not have a Clintonesque ‘Ministry of Truth’ dictating her version of history to us.

The Bush Administration officials were called upon to make extraordinary decisions in exceptional circumstances. Circumstances, it should be noted, that were caused by the complete dereliction of duty of the Clinton administration when dealing with the terror threat between 1993 and 2000.

And as for Hillary Clinton, the heroine of Whitewater, Travelgate, Filegate, a bunch of other assorted “-gates” and the wicked witch who blamed her husband getting blow jobs from young interns in the Oval Office on “a vast rightwing conspiracy”? She is currently one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world, playing straight into Al Qaeda’s hands and setting America and its allies up for a huge terror attack with her political posturing.