Has there ever been any greater evidence of the arrogance of the politicians masquerading as policemen at Scotland Yard than Friday’s announcement:

Investigation into detention begins: The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) was invited by the Attorney General to investigate allegations surrounding the detention of Binyam Mohamed. The papers were reviewed by the MPS and the investigation accepted. A team of detectives, working to Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers, has now been selected and vetted to appropriate levels. As a result a criminal investigation has now begun.

What on earth are the Metropolitan Police doing getting involved in investigating an incident that did not even occur in this country (it allegedly occurred in Morocco)?

Why are they wasting the taxpayer’s money in this way? My money! The already overstretched and under- resourced Metropolitan Police should be tackling the ever escalating crime problem in London. It is sheer bloody arrogance from those highly politicised senior officers, closeted in their silos at Scotland Yard and totally detached from reality, to believe that this sort of investigation is within their remit. They should have explained this to the government immediately they received the request to investigate. Instead they have done what they always do and jumped feet first into a matter that doesn’t concern them.

As usual the few politicised idiots at Scotland Yard have sold short the tens of thousands of hard working police officers who strive to keep the peace on a daily basis.

With spineless fools like this in charge and pulling the strings for the organisation, is it any reason that confidence in the police continues to fall?