Bromley Family Walk 4 Life organized the first ever event on 28th of June 2009 in Scadbury Park.

Their aim was to use of their local open parks and spaces for day out for families.

The event was hosted by Active Bromley who works in partnership between Bromley Mytime and London Borough of Bromley. Their aim is to encourage people to be more physically active in daily life.

On Sunday, there were variety of free walks of different lengths and routes of different interests as trees, insects, birds and history.

The Events Co-ordinator, Ashlee Corfe with her team, managed to make day enjoyable and interesting.

Some stalls were surrounded by children as a stall of 24 years old face painter, Rebecca Clarke.

Nick Hoppkins was a walk Leader for 'Beautiful butterflies'. Scadbury meadow was in sunny day full of skippers, ringlets, moths and other species. Nick made a walk not only physically demanding but also mentally stimulating.

We are looking forward for other events organized by Active Bromley.