So, Jacqui Smith is whining that women in power are treated differently to men. Treated differently as a woman? I should say so. It has long been clear that this Labour government has over-promoted many of its female MPs for their own populist reasons and Jacqui Smith is the perfect example of when happens when you put "ordinary" people in positions of high office to meet quotas.

Women who attain their position on merit, through hard work are accorded the respect that they deserve. Women – or indeed anyone – promoted to a position through positive discrimination are treated with the contempt they deserve.

So, she can complain all she likes but being a woman didn't have much to do with it. Being an incompetent who was simply not up to the job did.

Smith should spare us the "is it coz I is a woman" bleating and face the facts that she's out of office because of her snout in the trough habits and general uselessness as a Home Secretary. Using gender to deflect away from her utter incompetence just won't wash and actually reinforces what an abject failure she has been.