I have an intense dislike for the compensation culture that has crept into this country over the last twelve years, but I wholeheartedly applaud and support the decision of Monsieur Olivier Ferez to sue Jack Straw after the horrific murder of his son, Gabriel.

The criminal justice system in this country under the Labour Government has become a total joke, being more interested in the human rights of criminals than of protecting the law-abiding public. Well, this has to stop before such a tragedy occurs again. This cancerous permissive liberalism that runs throughout the criminal justice system must be cut out and destroyed. And I hope Monsieur Ferez is successful in suing Jack Straw and that this is the catalyst for change.

There should be a mandatory sentence for each crime - and probation should be abolished totally. We should have truth in sentencing. If you commit a crime and the sentence is ten years, you should serve ten years and not a day less. Prison should be harsh, not cushy. There should be no 'time off for good behaviour', instead there should be an increase in sentence for bad behaviour. Probation should be abolished. Probation was developed to scale back the jail population and sponsor rehabilitation, but it has been shown that recidivism among those released on probation is no different than those who get out of prison after serving a full sentence. There are people who are genuinely a threat to society and society has every right to protect itself from them. Criminals have no human rights – the human rights of the law abiding citizen should always come first.

Whilst Sonnex and Farmer may have been the people who perpetrated the vile murders of Gabriel Ferez and Laurent Bonomo, there are others with blood on their hands – namely;

Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary.

Cherie Blair, who fought to introduce the Human Rights act to this country.

Tony Blair, who readily accepted the Human Rights Act.

Shami Chakrabarti and Liberty, who have consistently conspired to ensure that the Human Rights of criminals are always given precedence over those of the law abiding citizen.

All of the permissive liberals currently working in the criminal justice system.

So please sue all of these pieces of filth, Monsieur Ferez, you have my unequivocal support.