Caroline Flint is a disgrace who has done more harm to women in politics – and indeed in business - than any other living person.

It takes a lot for me to feel sorry for Gordon Brown but Flint’s resignation was pure bile, after her attempt at flattery failed to deliver. She has served in the government throughout the systematic destruction of this country, its economy, its criminal justice system and the transfer of power to Europe. She has served whilst the housing market collapsed, unemployment rose, violent crime rose, MPs disgracefully pick-pocketed the tax-payers to feather their own nests, criminals were freed early to maim and kill and never once thought of resigning.

Caroline Flint resigned, not on principle, but because she had demanded, and been denied, a promotion. She believed that as a woman she should have been given the right to a position because of her gender and not on ability.

The decision by Gordon Brown not to promote her was correct. For once (and once only, the only time ever in his political life), the madman Brown was right. Flint’s behaviour - swearing loyalty one moment, plunging the knife in Brown’s back the next - has surely vindicated Brown's opinion of her. Her behaviour has resembled a spoilt child - emotional, egotistical, fickle and stroppy.

Flint has fallen into the age-old trap of believing her own hype. However, as Europe Minister, she boasted of not having read the Lisbon Treaty, and argued that we should be pro-EU because we eat pizza! She admits she hadn’t done her job properly, yet still believes she was entitled to a promotion!

The pity is that anyone ever took her seriously in the first place. Her sense of entitlement is shameless.