Hello everyone

It’s been quite a busy time in the Bell Household over the last few weeks and I was hoping to regale you all with some entertaining “Boot Sale Tales”, but unfortunately one of our friends couldn’t make it, so we have planned to go on another day.

As I was sorting out all the bits and bobs for the sale, the current Mr Bell kept saying surely you can’t take that? Who will want that? And everything I held up he just said FIFTY P as that is all he thinks I will get for my little treasure trove, and he told me not to be upset if people haggle over 5p. Somehow I think I am going to find this boot sale lark a bit of fun.

I have about 3 or 4 golf bags, various golf clubs and balls, an assortment of glasses, tea cups (which the current Mr Bell said would come in handy as long as there is only 3 of you), handbags, items of clothing that have not seen the light of day in a couple of years and just general old tat. So fingers crossed I will at least cover the cost of the car!

As our boot sale was postponed and we were up with the lark on Sunday, we decided to carry on cleaning and sorting. We finally got that “little junk room” that everyone has, cleaned up and now you can see the carpet!

I also took my first trip to the dump - AMAZING! I also finally ventured up into the LOFT and realised how much rubbish was up there, some of which the first Mr Bell and I had took from our first home stored in the loft and 8 years later it’s still there. Now I have discovered “THE DUMP” it’s all coming out and going down to Bay Number 4.

I don’t know about you but I got a real sense of achievement with all the de-cluttering and the house just looks so much better. Spring really has sprung.

With all the sorting I also came across my photo collection, Hmmm early 90’s not a good look for hair, and I just praise the Lord for the advent of GHD’s - yes I was a poodle back then, but it gave the current Mr Bell and I quite a laugh as he never knew me in the early years.

I wonder if anyone has found any hidden treasures when having a spring clean or any surprises - good or bad? Be nice to hear if you have.

Speak soon everyone and take care
