Something I have noticed over the last few weeks- the importance of family.

I'm not normally a sentimental soul, I spurn naff proclamations of love and trite expressions such as "my mum is my best friend."

And yet, I may, for the first time, have understood where these sentiments come from.

I have little money at the moment, so I can't go out.

It means I've not bothered to text many of my friends to ask if they want to meet up or do something- because I can't afford to do anything.

It has translated into a general friend blackout.

I have occasionally invited a mate or two over to my rather grotty flat and offered them a cup of tea and a biscuit.

I've felt a poor host, quite embarrassed.

But many of my friends I just feel too feeble to offer this to.

My family though- they have been there, to let me come over and visit, take me out with them.

They don't mind that I can't afford to do anything, all they get is my company.

They're great.

Today I have made it over to my mum's for Mothering Sunday (managed to buy her a bunch of her favourite flowers- lilies and I have improvised and made a card.)

And even though it is her day, my mum went to the effort of buying my favourite wine and her boyfriend made us a lovely home-made meal.