You will not regret reading the Six of Crows duology!


Interested in fantasy books? How about crime novels? Do you like to feel as though you are part of the book, scheming a cunning, game-changing plan, levels of risk rocketing sky-high and exploding with the chances of death, but also the chance to be transformed from a street-rat to a millionaire, brimming with cash? With the opportunity to peer into the viewpoints of all your favourite characters, this book duology by Leigh Bardugo will leave you gripping the book in anticipation, eyes eagerly reeling in all of the magnificent crafting on the page, swishing through without a sense of time.


This duology is all about how the lowest of Ketterdam – scum from the Barrel, thieving teenagers from a gang called the Dregs – are offered 30 million kruge (the currency of this fantasy world) if they succeed in a task set out by a rich merchant. However, the job would not be easy; in fact, they would be breaking in to the most secure place in that world, all to rescue a scientist with a deadly secret, a secret that is at risk of being unleashed upon the world, one that will cause chaos and a living hell among them – but also generate a significantly generous fortune for those who could use that secret for their advantage.


Read Six of Crows to satisfy your curiosity – did they manage it? Did they become rich, their coffers overflowing with money, their life ambitions, hopes, dreams all able to be fulfilled? Or were there losses along the way, complications that led to their plan failing, meeting the brink of death in the eye and any chance of hope almost lost altogether? Find out by reading this duology! Trust me, you won’t regret it! As an avid reader myself, this book has relighted my fire for reading after I had trouble finding a book that was interesting enough for me. The second book – Crooked Kingdom – is just as mind-blowing and scheming, filled with unpredictable plot twists and shocking revelations that will keep you turning the page for more. 


But I won’t spoil it for you.


Go read it for yourself! I highly encourage you to give it a try: even before I started reading Six of Crows, my cousins, friends and classmates had already been recommending it to me – surely that’s worth something. Many people had no regrets reading this book (including me) and so, I leave you with this: you will not regret reading the Six of Crows duology.