This week the Leonid meteor shower will be flying across the skies of the nation's as stargazers catch a glimpse of the annual shower

With the meteor shower appearing across London from November 17 to 18 between midnight and dawn. 

The annual shower is known for its fast, bright meteor's that are associated with Comet Tempel-Tuttle.

With the start of the meteor from the head of the zodiac constellation Leo the Lion. 

News Shopper: See where to look tonight. (PA)See where to look tonight. (PA)

Best place to watch the Leonid meteor shower:

If you plan on staying up to watch the annual shower, you're best to bring a comfy chair and to wrap up warm. 

There's no need for binoculars as the naked eye can see the shower, but you'll need to adjust to the dark. 

For the best view, you'll need to be away from street lights and light pollution and to be in a wide-open space where you can scan the night sky.