A guide to your weekly meal plan  

Planning your meals every week, allows you to save time can ensure that your meals include a balanced diet.  

To start off a meal plan, get a meal planning sheet as this allows you to be more organised. You might want to choose meals that will leave you with leftovers that you can take to work or school the next day. You also want to set goals each week. This can include trying to eat healthier or adding more protein into your meal. This will help you to focus on your eating habits and improve them. 

Your weekly meal plan should include a variety. Its best to include your vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, and protein every week. Your plate should be colourful as this ensure a varied and balanced diet which is needed for our bodies. Veggies should normally be around half of your plate. Whole grains, proteins and lipids are vital in your meal. Lipids include oils but in lesser amounts. Proteins include eggs and meat.  

Make sure to include breakfast in your meal plan. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Adelle Davis said, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” This expresses that breakfast should be the biggest meal and dinner should be exceptionally light. Breakfast can make people feel more energetic and keep them going through the day. Breakfast can improve our brain function if it is healthy and nutritious. A research shows that people who eat breakfast have better heart health. A healthy breakfast includes fruits, vegetables, dairy and proteins. 

Moreover, look for more budget friendly meals. Find ingredients to use that are much more affordable. Preparing your meals ahead can allow you to think about how you can make your meal can be made affordable and find ways to alter your meal plan if necessary.  

Next time you make a meal, think about how you can include your carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and proteins into it. A weekly meal plan will help you save time, money, and improve your health.